Creating HookSpecs

In order to inform to HookMan which Hooks are available in your application, it’s necessary to create a HookSpecs object.

from hookman.hooks import HookSpecs

def env_temperature(arg1: 'float', arg2: 'float') -> 'float':
    Docs for Environment Temperature

specs = HookSpecs(

This object has the following fields:

  • Project Name:

    An display name to be used to identify the project and to name the hook functions.

  • Version:

    Current version of the spec, when a new hook is created or modified this version should be incremented

  • pyd_name:

    Name of the module exported by PyBind11 on HookCallerPython.cpp file.

  • Hooks:

    A list with the hooks available for the project, each hook is represented by a python function.

The field hooks should be a list of Python functions, with the following fields filled:

  • Function Name: The name of hook.

  • Arguments: The arguments that the Hooks will receive.

  • Type Hints: The type of argument type.

  • Doc String: The docummentation of the Hook.

Noticed that all the fields are necessary in order to create the HookSpecs object, if any of the fiels are not correctly informed a TypeError exception will be raised